Dear Reader:
A heartfelt thanks to the PPW Board of Directors for electing me president of such an
amazing organization. It is my sincere hope that together we can continue to move PPW toward a goal of being the premier writer’s organization for the Front Range.
A heartfelt thanks to the PPW Board of Directors for electing me president of such an
amazing organization. It is my sincere hope that together we can continue to move PPW toward a goal of being the premier writer’s organization for the Front Range.
This letter will convey
to you four areas of focus for my presidency. While I have many more ideas for
PPW, this first blog post will cover the four broad topics that most encompass
who I am as a leader, and what I seek to do as your president.
First, I am a stickler
for communication. It is my firm belief that poor communication is the root of
most failings within any relationship, be that between two people or within an
organization boasting more than 1,500 members. To open the lines of
communication with you, our members, I invite you to reach out to me at
with your suggestions and ideas for the organization as a whole. I cannot
promise responses to every email, but I will take seriously your input and
present viable ideas to the Board.
Furthermore, I will
communicate with you with as much transparency as allowed by our bylaws.
Decisions, opportunities, events, changes, etc. will be made public, if at all
possible. You can expect our website and social media to reflect this.
Next, I hope to
increase member engagement. Every component of our organization relies on
members volunteering their time, talent, and resources. For PPW to thrive, we
need a diverse body of engaged and committed people at all levels of
leadership, management, and operations. Again,
keep checking our website and social media for open volunteer opportunities
ranging from assisting with monthly events to serving on the PPW Board of
Directors to helping with our next conference. These will be posted soon
and updated regularly.
Third, I seek to renew
PPW’s commitment to promote its member authors. We currently have a way for you
to let us know if you are holding an event (release, book signing, etc.) by
completing the form found at
I will work with the Board to develop additional efforts, such as a regularly
scheduled announcement of member authors recently published, be it traditional,
self-published, anthology, periodical, or other medium. To make this work
requires a combined effort from me, the Board, and of course, our member
Lastly, as a fellow
writer, I believe it behooves me to seek as much education, advice, networking,
and promotion as possible. It would be hypocritical of me to not expect and
endorse the same for you. With that in mind, I hope to partner PPW with other
non-profit writing organizations in Colorado in the hope that we could promote
each other’s events, recommend and share ideas, facilitators, workshops, and
modus operandi, and in every available way combine forces to improve and
promote area writers.
These are just four
topics from a list of things I will be working with the Board of Directors to
develop. I offer no guarantees.
Again, this is a
volunteer organization and as such is only as successful as those willing to
make it so. The PPW Board has consistently proven to be committed to making
this organization the best it can be. Our volunteers are dedicated, amazing
people, but we need more. If you are interested in committing your time and
effort to PPW, send me an email at
you, Dear Reader, for being part of Pikes Peak Writers. I look forward to
working with you."
Peak Writers
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