Monday, February 1, 2016

February's Letter from the Editor

All right, which one of you blinked and invited February? I cannot believe how fast these months are slamming together. Although ideally by now you’re writing twenty-sixteen on your checks, your correspondence, and especially your query letters. More important than penning the correct date is that you’re writing.

January 2016 was all about productivity and time management on Writing from the Peak, and I can proudly say I put the month to good use and made progress. I confess that occasionally I feel like an old car—Edsel anyone? I get my motor running, accelerate on my way to an acceptable speed, only to see the temperature gauge rise, find my engine is overheating and I have to call AAA.

Triple A is code for Pikes Peak Writers. I can’t think of a better organization to keep members motivated and educated. I attended last month’s Write Brain with Michael Shepherd on voice. Library 21c was packed. This month Pikes Peak Writers hosts Kevin Hearn who will be speaking about character development and how characters drive your plot. PPW offers Writers Night and Open Critique. And of course, we have this blog. Think of us as your own personal mechanic.

I’m excited about February’s articles. We have the conclusion to Peak Production by J.T. Evans, Writing Coach Deb McLeod on first Wednesday, Aaron Michael Ritchey’s typical humor and poignancy with Leggo My Legacy, Ways to Shade Characterization by Karen Albright Lin, The Right Critique Group by Ataska Brothers, Heart those Books by Darby Karchut, Promotion in Perspective by Catherine Dilts and naturally we celebrate our members’ Sweet Successes.

See what I mean? Pikes Peak Writers is better than a tune-up. All you need to do is tune in.

Have a wonderful February!

 About the author: Donnell Ann Bell is the managing editor for Writing from the Peak, the coordinator for the monthly Open Critique held on the first Wednesday of every month, and one of Pikes Peak Writer's board members at largeShe is a best selling romantic suspense and mystery author. To learn more about her books, find her at


  1. Loved this!!! "...and I have to call AAA.

    Triple A is code for Pikes Peak Writers."


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