I'm running short on Ask
the Prez questions, so I'd love to have more! This is your chance to ask the president of Pikes Peak Writers any question
about our organization, our conference, The Zebulon writing contest, or
anything else related to writing. I enjoy answering these questions, so let's
have them. If you have a question for me, please email president@pikespeakwriters.com with the subject line of
"Ask the Prez". Make sure to let me know if it's okay to use your
name in the response, or else you will remain anonymous.
The next question comes from an anonymous questioner:
· I really enjoy the Write Brains and would like to propose a panel. How do I do that?
J.T.'s Answer:
Since I'm not clear on if
you want to be part of a panel or if you want to see a particular panel, I'm
going to give you two answers. Pick the one that fits your question best, and I
hope they're both informative.
Being Part of a Panel:
If you want to be on a panel
of presenters (or present a session by yourself), we have all of the details
outlined on our website. We're always seeking new presenters with fresh ideas
for the writers in our network along the Front Range. Ideas can come in the
form of one-hour presentations (appropriate for Pikes
Peak Writers Conference), two-hour presentations (useful for Write Brains or two-part
presentations at conference), half-day, or full-day presentations.
For half-day and full-day
presentations, we can make use of those in two different ways. We can use them
as a special event done outside our normal conference or Write Brain times. We
can also use them at conference as part of our Thursday Prequel programming
where a more intense dive into a topic is possible because Thursdays are broken
up into two half-day sessions instead of a whole slew of one-hour sessions.
If you're interested in
submitting a presentation or panel idea to us, please visit our page on this topic, read the full details, and
throw some ideas our way. We'd love to have them!
Requesting a Workshop:
If you aren't quite ready to
jump in front of an audience and talk about an area you're an expert in or just
want to remain in the safe confines of the audience, but still have a great idea
(or three) about speakers, topics, or ideas you'd love to see Pikes Peak
Writers do, we have a page for that as well.
We're looking for details on
the presentation, the speaker (if applicable), and where you've seen the
presentation before (again, if applicable). We're always eager to utilize
speakers and/or topics the membership has requested, so please don't be shy
about speaking your voice. The more clamor we hear for a particular topic, the
more likely we'll be to seek out a speaker along those lines and put something
on the docket.
If you visit the Request a Workshop page on our website, you'll find
the simple form that will email the appropriate people the information you
About the Author: J.T. Evans writes fantasy novels. He also dabbles with science fiction and horror short stories. He is the president of Pikes Peak Writers. When not writing, he keeps computers secure at the Day Job, homebrews great beers, spends time with his family, and plays way too many card/board/role-playing games.
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