Did December 1st catch you off guard this year? There is something about a late Thanksgiving that makes the entire holiday season seem compressed. And if you were a NaNoWriMo-er, November likely flew by at an even more alarming pace. Were you basting the turkey with one hand and trying to amp up your word count with the other? I admit, I was not too far removed from that scenario.

Thank you for the privilege of being your Editor and for the opportunity to interact with such a wide variety of talented authors. I have learned something from you each and every month and I look forward to spending time with those of you I haven't met at Conference in April.
So from my desk to yours, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and a prosperous New Year.
Debi Archibald is a Colorado Springs native but spent most
of her life wandering both the Arizona desert and healthcare administration.
She is now blissfully reestablished at the foot of Pikes Peak. She has completed two novels, one of which may actually see the light of day. In addition to fiction, she ventures into humor and short memoir. A
recovering foreign language geek, she is also passionate about hiking, cooking,
reading and being a grandmother, the role she is sure she was born for. She
shares her home with the world’s most human Siberian Husky, Sasha. You can find
her at pikespeakpen.com.
December 1st really did catch me off guard, but I'm glad the year is winding down because it was a tough one for me. Happy Holidays, Debi! :)