Monday, April 10, 2017

Meet PIkes Peak Writers Member Barbara Nickless

By: Kathie Scrimgeour

Barbara Nickless, author and PPW member, talks with us about going to the museum, her
upcoming thriller, along with the class she will be teaching at PPWC 2017.

Kathie: I saw on your website that you were “…made in Japan, born in Guam.” It sounds that, from birth, you have traveled the world over. Is there any one place you that has influenced you the most creatively? How?

Barbara: Much of my traveling happened when I was young (Air Force brat). But as an adult, I have to say one of the greatest pleasures of travel is visiting museums. There is always something new to discover, an idea to be had. It’s hard to argue with the Guggenheim or the Musée du Louvre. But we are fortunate to have the incredible Denver Museum of Nature and Science in our own backyard. I love their traveling exhibits and enjoy attending the lectures—it’s a chance to learn something new, and a great opportunity to talk to an expert.

Kathie: What are you are working on right now? Tell us a little about it.

Barbara: I’m in the middle of developmental edits on the second book in my Sydney Parnell mystery/thriller series. Sydney and her K9 partner Clyde return, along with Denver homicide detective Michael Cohen. They’re joined by FBI agent Mac McConnell as they work to track down a violent killer and save a little girl before time runs out. DEAD STOP comes out October 3, 2017.

Kathie: What is one (or a few) of the most important lessons you have learned as a writer?

Barbara: I think the single most important thing you should do as a writer is ask yourself if you feel fulfilled when you’re working. Writing is a tough job, and if it doesn’t bring you joy, there are easier and more efficient ways to make money.
Also, remember that each of us is on our own path. And trust that path! Comparing ourselves to others, whether it’s our writing style or where we are on the journey, is a losing game.

Kathie: You will be facilitating a workshop at the Pikes Peak Writer’s conference. Please fill us in with the details.

Barbara: I’ll be talking about dialogue! Well written dialogue is one of the best ways to reveal character and enhance the plot. What your characters say and how they say it provides all kinds of fascinating information about them while also moving the story forward. I’m excited about the workshop and I’m especially excited to meet people at the conference.

Kathie: On a personal note, what is the craziest thing that has happened to you?

Barbara: All of us have crazy stories, right? I’d say one of the most bizarre things I’ve experienced was losing my home in a wildfire. A sudden catastrophe forces you to reevaluate your place in the world and your sense of security. But some wonderful things came out of the ashes of that fire, and one of the best was learning what an incredible community we have in Pikes Peak Writers. PPW members took us in, got us back on our feet and proved to be life-long friends. I love you guys!

Barbara Nickless can be found at:
Her book, Blood on the Tracks (Sydney Rose Parnell Series Book 1), is available on Amazon, AudibleBarnes & Noble, other online retailers, or at your local bookstore.

Are you a member of Pikes Peak Writers and interested in being interviewed? Contact Kathie Scrimgeour at 

1 comment:

  1. Love learning more about authors. Fun interview, Kathie, and I can't wait to attend Barb's class.


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