By: Aaron Michael Ritchey
I have a good sense of finality.
If you follow me on Facebook, you’ll notice that after most
events, I post a picture of torn-down tables, empty rooms, or empty chairs. At
comic cons, at writers conferences, it takes so much time to create the
temporary marketplace and yet it can be torn down in minutes. Snap your
fingers. Blink. And the event is over. All lost. Like tears in rain.
In the end, in the halls of our own selves, there will come
a time when the books will be boxed up, the swag put away, and it will all be carted
off to the van to be delivered to some impossible-to-understand destination. In
the end, we all will be dead.
I have a confession to make. I’ve been lax on my Pikes Peak Blog
posts. I was hitting the monthly deadlines for years on end (sometimes running
late, er most of the time late), but in 2016 something has changed in my
writing life.
I spent more time promoting than writing. The game has
changed. I have five books out in the world, and if all goes well, by this time
next year, I’ll have ten books, including three romances I’ve co-written with Andrea
K. Stein, my partner in crime. By the end of 2017, ten books. That’s a lot.
Howdy-do, that’s a lot.
One of Pikes Peak Writers dearest friends, Linda Rohrbough,
now Linda Houser, gave me the rules of writing when I was brand-new back in
March of 2006. She said the game changes at every stage, and the game for me
has changed.
But I don’t want it to change. I want things to stay the
same! I don’t want the vendors to tear down on Sunday night and I don’t wanna
go home! Why can’t we always be at comic con?
Why must we die?
I don’t know.
But I do know that constant change is here to stay (yes,
Rush lyric) and that I have to change with it. I have to accept the many deaths
along the way.
So I have to step down from writing blog posts for Pikes
Peak Writers.
The nice thing is, we have others, like the inimitable Jason
Evans, who is there to replace me. And what great news for me, right? I’m
writing books, I’m selling books, things are awesome, right? Right?
Nope. It’s too real. I want it all to be so much grander
than it is. I want so much more dram, so much more amazing.
This is why I write fiction. Because in my books, I can make
things how they should be, not how they are. In reality, I have to accept
things as they are.
In a lot of ways, I don’t feel any different than I did when
I didn’t have any books on Amazon. I feel despair, and hopelessness, and a keen
sense I’ll never make it. And when I say make it, I mean how like J.K. Rowling
made it. I wanna be Stephen flippin’ King or it doesn’t count.
Which is all such a recipe for disappointment. Even the real
Stephen King isn’t the fictional Stephen King (yes, that’s a Dark Tower reference).
I have to practice being grateful. I have published books. I
have a community of wonderful writers in Colorado whom I love. I don’t think
there is a better state in the U.S. than Colorado for being a writer. We are
No, we are blessed. I’m blessed, that I’ve gotten to write
for the Pikes Peak Writer’s blog for so many years. I’m blessed to be able to
go to the conference every year and hang out with you wonderful people.
And as long as I’m alive, I need to hold on to that feeling
of gratitude.
Being an author isn’t an easy life, it never has been, but
y’all make it so much easier.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I can never repay Pikes Peak for all it has given me over
the years. The PPWC was the first writer organization that invited me to talk. You
had me emcee the conference three years in a row. And dang, being asked to
write for the blog was such an honor.
I love you guys.
And yeah, I’ll be stepping away, but I won’t be dying. Not
yet. Not any time soon. I have books to write, dammit, before this party closes
up, and I get to take that short walk home.

For more about him, his books, and how to overcome artistic angst, visit He’s on Facebook as Aaron Michael Ritchey.
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