November has ducked out, raked up with the leaves, and it's time for the insanity we fondly call December. A handful of holidays, plus preparations for the new year, can often mean writing gets put by the wayside. Moving into the month aware of this, though, can help you overcome this hurdle and keep your writing mojo going.
For those that competed in NaNoWriMo, just because the month is finished doesn't mean you should be done writing. Chances are, your novel wasn't actually done at 50,000 words, so don't stop! Keep on writing your novel. If you finished it, set it aside for a little while and start writing or planning out your next novel. Now is not the time to lose the head of steam NaNoWriMo helped you build up.
Didn't do NaNo? That's okay. You can still get to writing something new, editing or continue writing something you're already working on. Do you have something ready to go? Shoot off a query or submit your short story, poem or flash fiction piece to see if you can close 2012 with an accepted piece. What could be better?
In Pikes Peak Writers news, our unofficial mascot, Ruh, has completed his chemo treatments and is starting to feel a bit better. Here's the update in his own words:
"Breaking News: I received my LAST dose (#5) of chemo yesterday, and I'm doing great! Between rounds 4 and 5 I turned a corner--all my mouth/throat sores healed and I gained a little weight. I've even got some pep back in my step. Of course I still have to get through the yuckies of this last chemo dose, but I'm on the home stretch now. Next steps: in one week I'll need more bloodwork, and in one month a set of chest x-rays. After that? Hopefully my visits to my friends at the vet will be for treats and scratches only :-)"
Great news, isn't it?
Speaking of great news, let's look at some of this month's celebrations. First, it's National Write a Friend Month, so take a moment to shoot off a letter to a friend who's on your mind. Other fun celebrations include Bathtub Party Day (5th), Take it in the Ear Day (8th), National Chocolate Covered Anything Day (16th), and Look on the Bright Side Day (21st). (Shouldn't that be every day?) Choose your favorite December celebration here.
Happy Holidays to you and yours,
Shannon Lawrence
Managing Editor
Wishing you the best with your health.