Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Thirteen Things Writers Need to Know About Twitter By Patsy Terrell

Twitter’s 140 character limit may seem confining for authors accustomed to writing books. But the social media site offers opportunities for writers to connect with each other, publishing professionals and potential readers.

Thirteen Things

To enjoy Twitter you must build a network. Twitter is as interesting as the people you’re following. If your Twitter Stream isn’t holding your attention, follow smarter people.

Add a profile and photo so people can start to get to know you.

On Twitter you can make connections not bound by geography or past experience.

With Twitter you can have conversations with people you could not call on the phone or ask to meet with.

Engage and interact with people on Twitter. Talk to people, retweet posts you find interesting, connect with conversation.

You can also use Twitter to consume information. Search out people and topics you’re interested in, and that information will be delivered to your Twitter page.

Do more on Twitter than promote yourself. If you wouldn’t want to read your own Twitter Stream, work harder at it.

Connect with other writers, editors and agents on Twitter. Learn what is happening in the market, read what agents and editors are looking for, and commiserate with other writers.

Experts on the details you want to work into your novel are as close as 140 characters. You can search out people who live in almost any corner of the world and who know about almost any topic.

Twitter is one way to position yourself as an expert, and start building the all-important platform. Share your knowledge as well as your message.

Twitter can help drive people to your content – be that a blog or a book. But add something of value to the Twitter conversation instead of only promoting your work.

Twitter is made up of other real people, just like you. You wouldn’t go to a dinner party and start pushing your business card into the hand of every person you meet. You’d have conversation. Do the same on Twitter.

If you decide to hire someone to manage Twitter for you, look for someone who understands marketing, not just the logistics of Twitter. Twitter is just one tool you can use in your marketing plan.

BIO:  Patsy Terrell is a writer, artist and public relations professional who currently makes her home in Kansas. She helps clients clarify their marketing goals and then identifies the tools to accomplish them, incorporating traditional and new media depending on their needs.


  1. Great stuff Patsy. A good way to find the right people on twitter is with a social search. Here's a link to ours for the term "writers". Enjoy!

  2. Hi Patsy,
    We've quoted this article in our blog post here:


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