Every "no" means you're one step closer to a "yes."
~ Ali Eickholt
By: J.T. Evans
How many rejection letters did you get in 2015? Ten? Thirty?
Sixty? Three-hundred?
If you have more than zero, you’re doing something right! I
personally racked up more than sixty rejections for two different novels during the
course of 2015. That’s not counting the slew of emails I received declining
short stories I’d submitted to various markets.
While I wish something had landed for me in the past year, I
do my best to not let it get me down. I have to be honest that there have been
some rough patches for me in 2015 when I just knew I’d found the perfect
market for the perfect story… and it
didn’t work out the way I’d hoped and planned.
With the support of my family, friends, my critique group,
and Pikes Peak Writers, I’ve managed to remind myself that good things are
coming. I don’t know when or how, but they’re coming. I’m not going to miss my
You miss 100% of the shots you don’t
~ Wayne Gretzky
Like The Great One says, if I stop shooting, I am guaranteed
to miss. I can’t let that happen to my writing or me. The shots I’m taking
today are better than the ones I took last month and those are better than the
ones I took last year.
Every sentence I write is better than the previous one that
fell from my fingertips and hit the keyboard. With each effort I put into
building my “writing muscles,” I get stronger, faster, and more agile. I know I
can do this.
You can do this as well.
Success is not the result of
spontaneous combustion.
You must set yourself on fire.
~ Fred Shero
Obviously, I don’t want you to self-immolate (or immolate in
any manner), but if you sit around and do nothing with your writing, you’re waiting
for spontaneous combustion. I’m challenging myself in 2016 to set myself on
fire (again, not literally), and get more work out in the world. I sent close
to one hundred submissions (some queries for novels, some for short stories) in
In 2016, I’m challenging myself to break that record and
submit more than one hundred items out into the world for consideration.
New Year’s Resolution:
Go Forth
and Get Rejected ~ J.T. Evans
Who out there is willing to step up to my side and light
that fire in themselves? Who is going to break their personal best for racking
up the rejections?
If you aim at nothing, there’s a very
good chance
you’ll hit it.
~ James Scott Bell
Even though I’ll be blasting out the submissions in 2016, I
will not be doing so blindly. My plan is to ensure each market (or agent) is
open to submissions in the area of the story, and send highly targeted
submissions. In military terms, I’m looking for my “high value targets,” and I
intend to hit a few of them. (Again, stop with the literal thinking. I’m not actually going to reach out and punch an
When you’re taking the action of submitting your stories to
a market, make sure it’s a good fit. Yes, this might narrow the field of
markets, but if you have enough stories under your belt, you can submit several
stories into the world at the same time.
There is no such thing as failure.
There is only experience.
~ Terry Mixon
When I receive a rejection, I have one of two reactions:
If it’s a form letter, I “meh” about it for a few seconds
and file it away into my rejection email folder. Those don’t hurt me. They
don’t stop me. I hardly experience them at all. If I receive a personalized rejection letter, I experience those. I read them. I re-read
them. I ingest them into my spirit and being. I learn what I can from them. I
improve where I can from the feedback. I
do not fail because of them. Then I file them away in my rejection email
folder along with all the rest.
I encourage you to do the same. Keep the rejections. Learn
from them. Live through them. Succeed in spite of them. You can do it. I know
you can.
Now, go forth and get rejected!
(Because, between those rejections, there will be
About the Author: J.T. Evans writes fantasy
novels. He also dabbles with science fiction and horror short stories. He is
the president of Pikes Peak Writers. When not writing, he keeps computers
secure at the Day Job, homebrews great beers, spends time with his family,
and plays way too many card/board/role-playing games.