It’s a story all storytellers are
familiar with. You, staring at the blank page, fingers fear-frozen over the
keys, notebook empty, mind jumbled with words and characters and plots you
can’t quite combine into decipherable
language. It’s just a blank page. But it feels like a mountain.
The blank page feels like a volcanic
peak, its slopes teeming with horrors too many to name. There are adverb
beasts, flesh-hungry IRS agents, and velociraptors that can open doors.
And worse.
On Blank Page Mountain, you encounter
yourself and the very worst fears within. The fear of not being any good, of
rejection by peers and agents and editors. Of finding that the book of your
heart is too wonderful, too massive, too perfect
to be translated into mere words. You fear failure.
But these fears are conquerable. Like
the proverbial magic sword the weird old dude in the cave gives you, there
exist tools designed to help.
Allow me to be your cave hermit. It’s
dangerous to go alone. Take these tools to assist you on your climb.
Tool One: The Internet
The Internet can just as easily be a
curse as a boon to writers. I’ve seen people go from writer to cat-video addict
in five minutes flat. It’s not a pretty sight. If you want to be productive,
never click on anything cat-related. Ever. Except for the following website, of
course. This site rewards
you with a cute kitten picture every time you complete X number of words. If
that doesn’t motivate you to get onto those slopes and go word-prospecting,
then I don’t know what will. Offers you profile
achievements and badges for completing X number of days in a row where you
write 750 words or more. Great for those struggling to achieve good writing
habits. This site forces you to
keep typing. If you stop, the site will punish you in various ways ranging from
blaring annoying sounds, showing you pictures of creepy spiders, or disemvoweling your already-typed words.
Tool Two: The Pomodoro Technique
Place a timer next your computer or
notebook. Set it for 25 minutes (an interval of time known as a Pomodoro).
Start it.
Then write your brains out.
There are arguably two concepts behind
the efficacy of the Pomodoro Technique:
A: You can do anything for 25 minutes. Come on—it’s less than half an hour. You
can type for half an hour, right? You’re a writer, dagnabbit, and if you can’t
find the time or heart to write for 25 measly minutes, then maybe you should
find something easier to do, like mastodon-wrangling.
B: A five-minute break between Pomodoros
can do wonders for a word-weary mind. Take the five minutes after the Pomodoro
dings to stand up, stretch, maybe feed your miniature giant space hamster.
Whatever. Then set another timer and get back to climbing that mountain.
Do what works best for you. Experiment
like the story scientist you are. Force yourself to write for that first time
interval, and you’ll likely find yourself on a roll by the end of it.
Tool Three: Psychology
Changing the way you think about the
writing process might help you surmount that first page and beyond. Some
Think about writing as a necessary
task. Steven Pressfield, in his book The
War of Art, has this to say about writers and other endeavoring artists: “The
most important thing about art is to work. Nothing else matters except sitting
down every day and trying.”
Like doing laundry, eating that
broccoli, or re-oiling your aggressive mecha-otter, writing is a task that you
simply must do.
Stop caring so much. During the 2014
Pikes Peak Writers Conference, this was the central subject of Chuck Wendig’s
keynote speech. He said (and I’m paraphrasing) that as writers, we’re not
curing cancer. We’re not leading nations. We are allowed to screw up without
great consequences. Words can always be rewritten. More queries can always be
sent. Stop caring so much, frozen by the fear of failure, and write some darn
Write here. Write now. Make it happen.
Tool Four: Community
You don’t have to climb the
velociraptor-infested slopes of Blank Page Mountain alone. Critique groups can be a huge boon not
only to the quality of a writer’s work, but to the quantity. Fellow writers can
push you forward in your writing career, providing encouragement and
constructive criticism. Try different in-person critique groups until you find
the one that fits you. If you’d rather try it online, I’d recommend first.
Writing conferences are like the
delicious chocolate nucleus in the tootsie pop of writerly fellowship. If
you’ve never been to a writing conference, I highly recommend investing the
time and money and licking that tootsie pop. Writing conferences are hubs of
learning and professional networking, it’s true. But they’re also places where
you can find life-long friends, fellow human beings struggling in the same art
you are. Don’t underestimate the value of that.
The Pikes Peak Writing Conference was
my personal turning point from dreamer to writer,
and it was primarily because of the amazing fellow writers I met. Might it also
be your turning point?
The Writer’s Greatest Fear
You’ve done it. You’ve reached the
summit of Blank Page Mountain, and the page before you is swathed in your inky
progeny. The adverb beasts are tamed. The IRS vampires are evaded. The clever
velociraptors are stumped.
More peaks tower before you. More
fears. But if you’ve written, you can rest assured that you’ve conquered, for
now, the very greatest fear a writer can face. The going will still be
difficult, but your feet are tougher and more sure. The mountains seem smaller.
What is the writer’s greatest fear? Not
failure. Not rejection. Not despair.
It’s the utter horror of never trying.
If you’ve bested this fear,
congratulations. Now get back to work. Show the world what you’ve got.
About the Author: Writer. Game designer. Cubicle monkey. Robert Vincent's hardly started on his writing career, but has already won honorable mention in The Writers of the Future Contest and has won the PPW Zebulon Contest. He attributes his lack of publication credits to poor bio-writing skills. Robert's currently working on his epic fantasy novel, living in Colorado Springs, Colorado, with his beloved Companion Cube. Find him at
Robert wins the Internet for today for his reference to miniature giant space hamsters.
ReplyDeleteWell done! Well written!
Thanks! :)