
Monday, January 23, 2017

Leap into Writing 2017

By:  Kathie Scrimgeour

The days are short and the nights are long right now, and if you live in cold weather country every day is perfect for sitting with cocoa and a blanket by the fire dreaming of warm summers by the lake.

SCREECH! Hold up there!!

Not this year!

You will not hide from the cold under a blanket. I can see your nose peeking out from under the covers, and your eyes do seem a bit blurry, but it’s time to shake off the holiday hangover and Leap into Writing! Grab your cocoa/tea/coffee and head over to your desk. 

Join PPW and writers across the country for a month of writing starting February 1st.
Leap into Writing is all about writing. Each day of the month. It is your choice what you write, and how much, but it must be every day. Are you plotting a new novel? Then you must plot every day. Are you shopping a completed screenplay? Daily submissions are the rule in this game. Flash Fiction? Poetry? Short Stories? Whatever your choice of writing goal, make sure you do it every day. You write every day already? Then make this a challenge month for yourself. Write outside of your normal genre, produce twice as many words, or be an accountability partner to a fellow writer who may need that daily nudge to get through the Leap. Find a challenge and do it every day of February.

2016 was a huge success. There were over 50 participants including PPW President, J.T. Evans, who commented, “I really liked the constant encouragement and feedback from you on this front. Getting the cheers and support from everyone else participating really helped as well. I had many things pulling me in different directions [last year], but I still managed to get a couple of short stories written. These are two stories that wouldn't have otherwise existed.”

Wednesday Word Wars are back! Everyone had to jump in on these fun weekly writing challenges. One participant said, “While I’m normally a highly productive writer, Wednesday Word Wars were a great motivating tool for me. I definitely felt pushed to choose to put my fingers to the keys over doing anything else that day.”

Daily inspirations and writing prompts will get even the laziest writer at their keyboard. Here are just a few from last year:

·       Write a paragraph, flash fiction, or a short-short story using these 8 words:
leap, jump, fly, year, day, crazy, fun, write.

·       Writing Prompt: Pick a pun and write something.

·       Today is the new year; the year of the Fire Monkey. The Fire Monkey brings vast changes and passion. It only comes around once every 60 years. Dedicate your writing to the Monkey....the Fire Monkey. (Strut your stuff in 2017; it’s the year of the Rooster).

We will gather on Facebook and write from 12:00 am on February 1, 2017 through 12:00 am on February 28. Headquarters for this challenge can be found at Facebook.  [If you are not on FB please email me (kjscrim @ and I will add you to an email blast.] All writers at any level (novice to professional) are welcome. Wrap your blanket around your neck like a superhero and LEAP INTO WRITING!

Each day inspiration, planning, and plotting. Leap into Writing starts February 1st.

About the Author: Kathie Scrimgeour writes under the name K.J. Scrim and has been a member of Pikes Peak Writers since 2013. She has volunteered at the last two PPW conferences and coordinates the Sweet Success column. Kathie is a self-taught writer who delves into fantasy, fiction, and historical fiction. Her debut fantasy novel,The Manx, is scheduled to release later in 2017. She lives outside of Denver with her family, two dogs, and a crazy cat.


  1. Can't wait to participate in 'Leap into Writing 2017'!

  2. I'm glad you are joining us! It is a great way to kick start your year, achieve new goals, or push your writing into high gear. See you at the "Leap".

  3. You can search on FB for this event under "28 Days of Writing". Sorry for any confusion.


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